
KOMAN Construction improves EMR safety rating
KOMAN Construction is proud to announce a significant improvement in our Experience Modification Rate, EMR, a key indicator of workplace safety. Previously a 0.76, the change to 0.72 reflects our dedication to fostering a culture of safety and efficiency across all operations.
KC’s safety team is committed to a continuous effort of preventing unintentional workplace injuries by providing knowledge and resources which enables our project teams to be engaged, measure progress, and reduce risks. Adherence to EM 385-1-1 and OSHA CFR 1926 by all participating personnel during the execution of the projects will be the responsibility of our on-site safety officers. We take special pride in our comprehensive safety program. All team members have full authority to stop work if imminent danger/serious/unsafe/unhealthy conditions or practices exist in performance of any work.
Our safety culture is achieved through management commitment, employee involvement, and through the ownership of safety by every member of the team. Every project will require the development of an Accident Prevention Plan (APP), Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), site-specific safety plan, and the Pre-Task Planner (PTP). The PTP is prepared by the team on a weekly basis. Safety audits are conducted to assess the degree of compliance with all applicable safety and regulatory requirements and the KOMAN Safety Program.
Regular and routine safety audits are conducted on project sites to ensure full safety compliance, adequate staffing, and safety coverage, personnel competency and training, and properly maintained equipment and tools. Every member of our team undergoes the mandatory OSHA-30 course every 3 years and CPR/FA/AED course every 2 years. Our employees undergo various continuing education courses for environmental, safety, and health to maintain competency. The team is dedicated to approaching site safety as more than a requirement, but a real and heavily emphasized component on every project. KC has an EMR of 0.72.

Quality Control

To ensure a quality product, all KC team members have successfully completed the USACE’s Construction Quality Management course that is based around the USACE three-phase QC approach. We have developed innovative features in our Quality Control Plan (QCP) to help our field offices flourish on projects, including monthly comprehensive QC auditing, monthly QC deficiency tracking, job-site QC graded auditing, and our online QC Corner, which we use to continuously improve our QCP. Our field offices use this tool to maintain a level of quality that our clients expect.
The KC team is committed to the continuous improvement of our QCP. Quality, if not “designed in” is more difficult to achieve in the field, therefore, we spend the time and effort during design, making sure it’s right before the construction crews arrive on site. The QCP consists of pre-planning, inspections, reviews, and approvals by KC to ensure all work is in compliance with contract requirements. While all members of our team have responsibility for quality control, the overall management of the QC program will be led by KC’s designated Quality Control Manager (QCM). The QCM reports directly to our management team. During the design phase, the QCM leads in the review of the design while supported by the project manager. Once construction begins, our QCM is assisted by QC specialists for civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical work, as well as independent testing labs as needed.
The KC team believes doing things right the first time is our duty to our clients and part of the way we do business. We ensure the appropriate allocation of resources to the project to maintain this commitment. The results have proven to save our clients money, operate more efficiently, and mitigate potential project issues from occurring. Understanding the needs of the end users on each project and tailoring our existing QC program ensures we deliver a quality project, on time, every time.